Friday, January 7, 2011

New guest blogger: Titty-Twista

Our next guest blogger is someone who I've personally had the pleasure of playing roller derby with and learning a great deal from, and someone who I truly admire: Titty-Twista of the Stuttgart Valley Rollergirlz.

Titty-Twista, #81
Before playing roller derby Titty-Twista used to be a track and field pro athlete -- for several years she worked out twice a day and learned everything there is to know about training (motivation, ambition, nutrition, endurance, strength, speed, set-up and planning of seasons, classes and combinations of endurance/strength/speed to gain the max peak of ability by a set date/time for tournaments within the season, etc).  As if being a pro athlete was not enough, Titty also played a great deal of other sports on the side: basketball, soccer, skiing, snowboarding, and aggressive roller blading.  In August 2008 Titty-Twista joined the Stuttgarg Valley Rollergirlz and in October of the same year she was already playing her first bout.  By December she was an official fitness trainer for SVRG and in the spring of 2009 she was voted Head Coach.  Since then she has coached at EROC in Berlin (the European Roller Derby Organizational Conference), Rally in the Valley in Stuttgart (Europe's first own boot camp), and guest coached many European leagues, including the Zurich City Rollergirlz, the Berlin Bombshells, and Stockholm Roller Derby.

Titty will be blogging about off-skates exercises and the importance of structured fitness and strength training in the sport roller derby, and its importance to our bodies in general.  With structured fitness and strength training it is much easier to control our muscles and our body as well as get a better knowledge and feel for our body.  Titty will be sharing her knowledge about exercises, workout and planning of fitness/strength clincs.  I hope you will find her posts very informative and useful!  I know I will :)

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