Objective: To visualize penalty scenarios
Typical length of drill: --
Materials needed: white (dry erase) board, magnets, dry erase marker
Skill level required: --
Description: As a ref I have come across some crazy 'what if' scenarios regarding the rules. The derby ref forum's are chock full of scenario's like "What if the red jammer skates a circle around the black pivot then does a back flip across the turn but lands with her feet facing non-derby direction all while reciting the Battle Hymn of the Republic?". What better way to visualize these scenarios than with a white board.
Pick up a small white board and dry erase marker from your nearest super gigantor box store. The one I use is 15" x 12". Then get yourself some white board magnets and number/letter stickers. Label your pivot and jammer magnets. You can also put numbers on the blocker magnets so you can explain things easier. Use the marker to draw your boundary lines. Now sit down with your ref's and think of a rules scenario. Explain it on the white board. After someone gets it (or after you explain what happened) pass the board on to the next person. I've done this a few times with my ref's and it is VERY effective.
Additional notes: White boards are a very effective way to show strategy, plays and scenarios across all sports. Unfortunately I rarely see them used in roller derby.

Pick up a small white board and dry erase marker from your nearest super gigantor box store. The one I use is 15" x 12". Then get yourself some white board magnets and number/letter stickers. Label your pivot and jammer magnets. You can also put numbers on the blocker magnets so you can explain things easier. Use the marker to draw your boundary lines. Now sit down with your ref's and think of a rules scenario. Explain it on the white board. After someone gets it (or after you explain what happened) pass the board on to the next person. I've done this a few times with my ref's and it is VERY effective.
Additional notes: White boards are a very effective way to show strategy, plays and scenarios across all sports. Unfortunately I rarely see them used in roller derby.

From a coaching standpoint, I almost always have white board/pad of paper and something to write with. Nothing else beats it when you need a quick visual in a pinch.